Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How To Play "THINGS" The Drinking Game

The town of Thulimbah literally disappears at night and is lost to the darkness. It's pretty much non-existent so on a Saturday night so you have to make the best of it! We find ways of occupying ourselves with tunes, some good Aussie beers, bonfires and occasionally the Canadian Club whiskey finds its way out of the freezer.. 

Lately we've been getting into the drinking games. Like "Roxanne", the drinking game where you have to drink everytime Sting sings "Roxaaaaannne".
 Or "Things"!! The Best Drinking Game In The World.:)

How To Play "THINGS":
The great thing about this game is it is really fun to play with good friends but also with strangers. It adds a whole new element of humor to the game.

1)Start off passing around a sheet of paper and pen. Have each person write down several different sentences starting with things. for example: Things you see in the subway, things you should never say to a priest, things you miss about home, things you cant live without, things you love to hate etc. Make sure there is a good variety of questions

2) Then cut up strips of paper and hand them out to everyone, and give each person a pen. Make sure all of the pens are the same color. Put a hat in the middle of the table.

3) Elect one person to read out a question, for example: Things you see in the subway
4) The other people all write down an answer in block letters. It can be funny or serious, it can be true, it can be made up, and can even be made to imitate the answer that other plays might give. Then they should cold their paper strip/answer in half once and put it in the hat.

5) The point of the game is for the person reading the question to then draw out the answers, read them a loud and after everyone is done dying of laughter that person must try to guess which player said what. Some of the answers you get are hilarious! If the answers are correctly matched with the person who wrote them the writer has to drink. But if the question reader is wrong they will have to drink! This game is a blast, try it!

I asked one Estonian, one Brit, and one Canadian,
"What Do You See In The Subway?"

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