Sunday, September 2, 2012

I Survived Orange Picking in Iraak, Australia!

ORANGES, ORANGES, ORANGES, and some lemons..
One week of orange and lemon picking in Iraak, Victoria, Australia was enough for me!
Farmers don't get much for citrus these days, so neither do the laborers- unless you're quick, and you've got to be constantly quick. You pick one bin- you get 20$ after taxes. However, its not easy work, and depending how fast you move, it can take awhile to fill a bin. It also takes quite a few "Joey" pouches!
Tenting on the farm in Iraak's semi-desert. 
We are surrounded by Eucalyptus & Almond trees!
I assumed I could pick 4 bins on my first day, and work my way up. This would make me 80 easy Australian dollars (after taxes)- I mean how hard can it be to pick an orange? It seemed like a great deal since Id be making cash and basically living free. I was wrong. My first day, I picked only two bins. I was thrilled about the pay, but chalked it up to my first day. A few guys who also started picking on the same day as me finished with 2 bins- that made me feel a bit better. For the rest of the week, they picked up the pace, picking 4 bins each in 8 hours. I chose to work 6 hour days instead, bringing in 2-3 bins/day.
Me! Sitting in a bin getting carried around on a forklift, climbing trees
 and ladders, dumping out oranges from my "Joey" pouch, 
a bunch of oranges and one giant lemon!
If you're considering citrus picking, be prepared for it. I have worked on so many farms, and done so much hard labor in the past, I thought it would be no problem for me. I'm used to lifting 40, 25 kilo bags of fertilizer consecutively, piece of cake. But, I underestimated it. It really is back-breaking work for little pay, so you've got to be motivated. If you want to make it worth your time you've got to haul ass, all day. I was a little discouraged by the pay, so I felt like hauling ass 6 hours a day was enough for me!
 Some tips I can offer for citrus pickers:
  • Bring at least 2 Liters of water with you (you will sweat for most of the day)
  • Bring plenty of protein-packed foods
  • Wear long pants or capris, and a long-sleeved shirt that's tough so thorns wont go through it
  • Wear thick, rubberized gloves and a ball cap to keep branches out of your face
  • Bring music that pumps you up, MP3 or speakers- the faster the music, the better!
  • Car seat strap covers work great to keep the "Joey" pouches from digging into your shoulders
  • Shin pads would be a great investment
  • Stretch lots!
After only a few days of picking citrus, my hands and legs were stuck with thorns even though I was wearing the best gear and my shins and legs were bruised yellow from climbing trees and ladders. Not to mention my wrists and elbows were in poor shape from the repetitive movements. There is a technique to picking oranges and lemons quickly, and it involves a lot of flicking. But...what an experience!

 I left with a belly full of citrus, a small pay cheque and an interesting experience to tell you all about. All I can say is I'm glad I don't have to pick citrus for the whole season, but I admire all the people out there who do!

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