Friday, February 8, 2013

15 Backpackers, One Hot Australian Day, Lots of Cold Beers!

Represent, World-wide! England, Ireland, Hong Kong, Belgium, New Zealand, Germany, Australia, South Korea, Canada, and France! WHAT UP!?

After grading onions and harvesting watermelons on the farm in Queensland, Australia for a few weeks the winter holidays were creeping ever closer. When we were hired, we all knew we were expected to work through the Christmas and New Years holiday, but as the holiday got closer the word on the street was that we might actually get a day or two off for Christmas! I, myself dont make much of Christmas these days- traveling sort of does that to you. It would be nice to be with the rest of your family for dinner and so on, but all in all, its not a big deal. Would I trade in traveling to go back for a few days? No.
Still, when I found out that we had 2 days off and there would be free beers for us waiting back at the onion shed... I was pretty happy! And so was everyone else, it was a great surprise. It had been a long day in the Australian sun and a few cold beers would do the trick!
Dickson from Hong Kong and Marie from France, 2 amazing people!

Lydia from France et moi! Man I miss her so much!!

The lot of us! Now theres some hard-working backpackers

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